July 3, 2024

Hello, internet! I’m Shawn Gallagher, a college student living in Boston, Massachusetts. I grew up in Tokyo, Japan in an international family, meaning I frequently made visits to the US east coast to see family members. This meant that since I was little, I was involved in a lot of traveling, and I became obsessed with it as I grew up. What are day trip destinations from this location? How can I find the best airfares for these days? Which side of the plane/train will give the passenger the best view? Which hotel gives the best value for the price/points? I enjoyed pondering and researching to answer these types of questions.

After watching my parents and learning how to check in for a flight, learning the tips for leaving your house for a long amount of time, and many other encounters with travel, I’ve been able to develop my unique share of stories and tips as I’ve begun traveling independently. However, I also believe that no matter how many flights, train rides, and road trips one may go on, we can never fully be immune to unexpected changes and the twists and turns that can be thrown at us, which can potentially taint our vacations and business trips. This is why I thought I’d share my experiences with the world so that we can all do our best to avoid such situations. My deep hope is for my travels to be a help to my reader’s trips themselves, as well as an inspiration for their next journey.

You can find trip reviews in the Reviews section, and information related to various destinations in the Destinations section. You can also find me talking about my travel essentials and reviews about travel gear in the Travel Tech & Gear section.

All of my photos and videos are taken with my iPhone 15 Pro Max. Some of my older posts have pictures taken with my old iPhone 12.

Enjoy reading!

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