October 6, 2024

Where To Sit For The Best Views: Washington Reagan Airport

By Shawn Gallagher August 6, 2023

Washington D.C., the U.S. capital, is a big tourist destination for many travelers. Its attractions and history make the city very unique. Having visited the city multiple times, a hidden gem of visiting the city is the impressive views you can get from the window of your airplane. If the winds are right and you sit in a good spot, you’ll get one of the city’s best views from your seat. Read below!

Where Will My Plane Fly?

Planes take off and land into the wind. This means that depending on the weather, takeoff and landings go in different directions.

Reagan Airport has two runways but mostly uses one that faces directly north/south. This means that the plane will approach the airport along the red arrow on the map during northern winds and the green arrow during southern winds (and vice versa for take off). Of course, there are other factors that go into route planning for a plane (east/west winds, etc.), but this is the biggest contributor.

Picking The Correct Side

The short answer is, you want to sit on the right side of the plane when flying into Reagan, and sit on the left when leaving Reagan. It’s also best to sit away from the wings (towards the front or back). It’s not a full guarantee that you’ll get a view of the city, but if the determining factors align, you’ll get a memorable welcome/farewell of the city.

Below are views of both landing and taking off to and from Reagan Airport.

Both of these videos are from an American Airlines A319, and I was seated in 10A for the landing video, and 8F in the takeoff video.

In Summary

This approach into Reagan Airport is one of my favorites in the country. The beautiful, unique architecture, and the proximity to the city which the plane flies makes it a must see view. Take note of this the next time you fly through Reagan!

All photos and videos taken by the author.