October 4, 2024

7 Essential Items/Must-Dos Before Long Haul Flights

By Shawn Gallagher March 24, 2023

I have been flying long haul flights pretty much since I was born. Growing up with my family in different parts of the world, it was common to have 10+ hour flights, often with layovers. Although as much as I love air travel, long haul flights on economy will always be very tiring. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to fully fix this, but there are things travelers can do to make themselves comfortable on a long flight and minimize the toll it takes on the body. Check out below for 7 of my essentials for such flights!

1. Wear Comfortable Clothes

This is where I always start. I always save my favorite and comfortable clothes for the travel day. These are usually sweatpants and a hoodie. I will layer depending on the season, but since the temperature inside airplanes tends to be cool, I always try to dress a little warmer, even if it’s during the summer.

2. 2-3 Days Worth of Clothes in Your Carry-on

In addition to wearing comfy clothes on the flight, I also strongly recommend having 2-3 days worth of clothes in your carry-on luggage. In the unlikely scenario that your checked luggage somehow gets lost, you will at least have a change of clothes ready to go. My luggage has only gone lost twice in my life, but it’s important to be ready for this situation, especially if you’re going to a hotel or another destination that isn’t your home.

3. Throwaway Slippers

Having your shoes on for the entire flight can become uncomfortable. And considering the additional time you spend in the airport and outside, they can become tiring. I always try to get a hand on throwaway/disposable slippers when I have a long flight. I’d look for them on amazon, and hotels are a good place if they have them.

4. Your Own Entertainment

Unless you’re sleeping, you’re going to need to have something to do besides staring at the seat in front of you. In flight entertainment systems provided by the airline can be a great help with this. With many movies, tv shows, and games, it’s easy to keep busy for long periods of time. However, keeping busy with the IFE isn’t always a guarantee. Some airlines have less of a selection of movies and tv shows than others, and it also might be hard to find something you enjoy even with a decent selection. This is why I don’t think it’s a bad idea to download a movie or two onto your computer or tablet in advance before you board your flight. Offline video games are also a good option, as they can still be played with airplane mode on. Books are always a good option as well. If you need to find one before a flight, many stores in airports sell books and magazines, or an Amazon Kindle can quickly find you a read too.

5. A Portable Charger

You may have to go for extended periods of time without a charging port, especially if you have a connection. Although most planes and many airport waiting areas these days have outlets/USB ports, it’s still always best to have one as a backup.

6. Toothbrush

Total travel time for long haul flights, and especially ones with layovers, can and will get very long. This means being out of your home or hotel for 20+ hours at a time. You’ll always want to brush your teeth to keep your mouth fresh, so bring your toothbrush, or grab a throwaway one at a hotel if they have them (however, don’t assume hotels have toothbrushes).

7. Hand Sanitizer

Airplanes can be a gross place. Although they get cleaned before every flight, they get dirtier as the flight progresses, especially on a long flight. Bathrooms, in particular, are one of the grosses parts of the whole plane. To keep clean and to also avoid getting sick, bringing a small thing of hand sanitizer that fits in your pocket can be helpful. This way, you can use this before you eat, after you come back from the bathroom in addition to washing your hands, and any other time you feel like you need to use it.

All photos taken by the author.